Eugene Police Foundation

We support the overall performance capability of the Eugene Police Department by providing financial and organizational support.

Our Expertise

Support Performance Capabilities for the Eugene Police Dept. (EPD)

As an independent community-based entity, we provide financial and organizational support for EPD.

Acquiring Resources

We aid aquisition of specialized safety equipment, training, and other service enhancements.

Building Awareness

We foster communications, awareness, partnerships, and positive working relationships between EPD, community organizations, and Eugene citizens.

Strengthening Our Community

Through our outreach projects, we bring safety, security, and hope to those most in need.

About Us

Our Board Members are Committed to Excellence.

We are a volunteer organization of community members who are dedicated to supporting the Eugene Police Department as they work to protect our city.

Fruits of Our Labor

Key Foundation Investments

The activities of the Foundation are intended to complement but not displace or reduce the responsibility of the City of Eugene and its citizens to provide the necessary public funding for essential law enforcement services.

The Foundation’s expenditure decisions are made in response to requests and recommendations by EPD leadership as off-budget needs or opportunities arise.

Shop With a Cop

Annual Holiday Shopping

Community Cares

K9 Unit

Updates and upgrades

Wellness Programs

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Eugene Police Foundation News